Improving culture…just start with kindness

The things I remember most about jobs I’ve had is how people treated me, made me feel and behaved around me. No matter where I’ve worked in the NHS the big mysterious “improving culture” has been going on for years with too much reliance on forced, planned culture improvements. I’ve seen lots of annual staff surveys, annual events and big dramatic team building.

The things is, we can all influence it our own way and it start’s small with each of us as individuals. Can we start by being more kind to each other? Being more regular in our approach to showing kindness?

The outdated methods of planning to improve culture and change behaviour is not natural or long lasting. Team building should be an everyday thing. Acknowledgment of good should be more regular. It’s time to review our approach to changing culture – start small, growing naturally and making it more regular.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Adele says:

    Hi Sonia
    Hope you are well
    I am really glad I read this. Made me reflect on my own style and think more about kindness
    Are you still in Bradford?


    1. Hello Adele, thank you for your kind words, I’ve moved on no longer at Bradford


    2. Lou Scarborough says:

      This is spot on Thankyou


      1. Hello Lou
        Thank you for your kind words! I am glad they help. I have moved on to Bolton Hospital…


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